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Creating Binary Distribution Files

The project only releases packages in source formats, but includes supports for building binary distribution files in a couple formats.

Creating GNU Binary Distribution Files:

From a GNU source release file, a GNU binary release can be built using the --prefix option of the configure script and the DESTDIR option on "make install".

    $ ./configure --prefix=target_directory
    $ make
    $ make install DESTDIR=/tmp/package-release.platform
    $ cd /tmp/package-release.platform
    $ tar -cf /tmp/package-release.platform.tar.gz *
The default target director is /usr/local if --prefix is not specified on the ./configure command. To install in the target directory on another machine with a matching platform, just extract the tar file. Assuming you drop the tar file into the /tmp directory, you would issue these commands.
    $ cd /
    $ tar -xf /tmp/package-release.platform.tar.gz

Creating Binary RPM Files from GNU Source Release File:

From a GNU source release file you can create a binary .rpm file on a Linux distribution that uses RPM as the packaging system. This is done using the rpmbuild command included in the Makefile created by ./configure..

    $ ./configure
    $ make rpm

Creating Binary RPM Files from Source RPM:

From a Linux source RPM file you can create a binary .rpm file on a Linux distribution that uses RPM as the packaging system. This is done using the rpmbuild command as follows.

    $ rpmbuild --rebuild package-release.src.rpm

Creating Binary DEB Files:

From a GNU source release file you can create a binary .deb file on a Debian, or Debian based, Linux distribution. After extracting the GNU source release file, you will find a "debian" directory with the required files. Reference the Debian New Maintainers' Guide at for instructions.

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