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Baseline NodeBrain Module

This manual is for the Baseline NodeBrain Module (version 0.2, August 2014), a statistical anomaly detection module.

Copyright © 2014 Ed Trettevik <>

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of either the MIT License (Expat) or NodeBrain License. See the Licenses section at the end of this document for details.
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1 Concepts

The Baseline module is a NodeBrain plug-in for statistical anomaly detection. It enables the use of nodes that maintain a simple statistical profile for a set of measures. A Baseline node monitors the current value of each measure and alerts when a measure is considered an anomaly relative to the statistical profile.

1.1 Average Value

An exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) is maintained for each measure. This is a common technique for calculating an average with a different weight given to the more recent values. It also has the advantage of not requiring the storage of past values.

     a[i] = w v[i] + (1-w) a[i-1]    where a is EWMA, w is a weight 0<=w<=1, and v is a value

The contribution of a new value to the average is determined by the weight w. The weight also determines the rate at which this contribution decays as new values are included. Larger values of w give more input to a new value, but also cause this contribution to decay more quickly as new values are included.

1.2 Deviation

The difference between a new value and the current average is called the deviation.

     d[i] = v[i] - a[i-1]

You can restate the formula for the exponentially weighted moving average as an adjustment using the product of weight and deviation.

     a[i] = a[i-1] + w d[i]

1.3 Average Deviation

The average deviation of actual values from the expected values is also computed as an EWMA. This is an approach for measuring the amount of variation in a measure. It is calculated like the average except the value is replaced by the absolute difference between the new value and prior average value.

     D[i] = w abs(d[i]) + (1-w) D[i-1]     where D is the average deviation

Restating this as an adjustment, it looks like this.

     D[i] = D[i-1] + w abs(d[i]-D[i-1])

1.4 Standard Deviation

The average deviation is expected to be 0.8 of the standard deviation for a normal distribution. Use this to approximate a standard deviation by multiplying the average deviation by 1.25. Specify the threshold as a factor times the approximate standard deviation. It is common to consider a value more than three standard deviations (3-sigma) an anomaly. For a normal distribution, 3-sigma will include 97 percent of the values in the normal range.

     s = 1.25 D     where D is the average deviation and s is an approximate standard deviation

1.5 Weight

A Baseline node is assigned a weight factor from 0 to 1 used in the calculation of the average value and average deviation. Think of this as a level of skepticism about the latest value or deviation being the new "normal." The lower the value, the slower the Baseline node will adapt the expectation for any given measure based on new information. A value of 0 can be used to avoid "learning" from new information. This is appropriate in cases where a "normal" range of values is known and there is no reason to allow actual values to alter the definition of "normal."

On the other extreme, a value of 1 will cause the Baseline node to use the last value as the definition of "normal" when assessing a new value. Values from 0.2 to 0.3 are often used when "learning" is desired, but there is a reasonable level of skepticism about the latest value representing a new "normal."

1.6 Tolerance

A Baseline node is assigned a tolerance factor that specifies how "abnormal" a value must be to consider it an "anomaly" worthy of an alert. This factor, a single value for all measures, is expressed in units of standard deviation, a value specific to each measure. For example, a value of 3 is used to establish a threshold of 3 standard deviations (3-sigma), which establishes control limits in steps of 3 standard deviations above and below the average.

1.7 Thresholds

A threshold is an amount of deviation from the average, beyond which a new value is considered an anomaly. You can define a threshold unit for any given measure as the tolerance times the standard deviation.

     u[i] = t s[i-1]       where u is the threshold unit, t is the tolerance, and s is the approximate standard deviation
     u[i] = 1.25 t D[i-1]  substituting 1.25 D for s
     u[i] = T D[i-1]       where T is an internal tolerance factor 1.25 t

A threshold is established at every positive integer multiple of the threshold unit. The first threshold is at 1u, the second at 2u, and so on.

1.8 Anomaly Level

For each measure, a Baseline node maintains a current anomaly level, which is the last deviation divided by the threshold unit rounded down to the nearest integer.

     L[i] = int( d[i-1] / u[i-1] )

Alerts are triggered when the anomaly level of a measure increases.

1.9 Limits

A control process has upper and lower limits that define the range of normal values. Values outside these limits are considered anomalies. Define the upper and lower limits in threshold units above and below the average. These limits identify the values where alerts are triggered, although this is simply a restatement of deviation thresholds.

To avoid triggering alerts for each new data point during an anomalous episode (period of abnormal values), the upper and lower limits open when the anomaly level increases (this is when an alert triggers) and close down when the anomaly level decreases. In the formulas below, a is the average value, n = 1 + L, where L is the anomaly level, and u is the threshold unit.

     UL = a + n u     upper limit
     LL = a - n u     lower limit

1.10 Cycle Duration

It is common for measures to have patterns of periodic variation. For example, it is normal for the temperature to be lower at night than during the day. It is normal for user access to a computer to increase during user working hours. To take this normal variation into account, a Baseline node is told the cycle time of the repeating pattern, expressed in minutes. If it is a daily cycle, then the duration is 24*60 minutes. If it is a weekly cycle, then the duration is 7*24*60 minutes.

1.11 Period Duration

The cycle time is divided into shorter periods of equal duration. The statistical profile maintained by a Baseline node includes an average value and average deviation for each measure for each period. If a one-hour period is specified (60 minutes) with a daily cycle, there will be 24 periods for which separate statistics are maintained. If the cycle is weekly, then a 60-minute period duration will generate 168 periods with separate statistics.

1.12 Statistical Profiles

A Baseline statistical profile is maintained as a set of files in a directory. Each file contains a profile for a single period, providing the average value and average deviation for each measure. A period profile is just a set of Baseline node commands.

     .(arg1,arg2,...):set averageValue,averageDeviation;

Here's an example with two measures.

     .("cpu utilization"):set 60.456,10.45;
     .("disk utilization"):set 50.48,20.984;

The filename of a period profile is based on the number of seconds from the start of a cycle.


If a one-hour period is used, the filenames will increment by 60*60 or 3600. At any given UTC time, you can compute which profile to use as follows.

     t =: UTC time
     c =: cycle duration
     p =: period duration
     T = t % c               time within the cycle
     F = int ( T / p ) * p   file time

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2 Tutorial

Do not put your faith in what statistics say until you have carefully considered what they do not say. —William W. Watt

A Baseline node is used to detect statistical anomalies. It does not tell us what is good, bad, or important. However, it can help to find conditions worthy of further investigation.

2.1 Creating Profile Directory

Create a directory for storing period profiles. Since you are going to create a statistical profile for weather measurements, name the directory weather, and create it in the cache/baseline subdirectory of the caboodle (NodeBrain application directory).

     $ cd CABOODLE
     $ mkdir -p cache/baseline/weather

2.2 Constant Expectation

Let's say you are monitoring the temperature and humidity inside a house where it is expected to be relatively constant over time. There is no need to manage multiple period profiles, nor is there a reason to learn a statistical definition of normal. Instead, you can use a single period with a static profile that you define manually.

     # cache/baseline/weather/00000000.nb
     .("temperature"):set 68,2;
     .("humidity"):set 45,5;

In this case, define the Baseline node as follows.

     # arguments: directory, weight, tolerance, cycle, period
     define indoor node baseline("cache/baseline/weather",0,0.8,60,60):static;

Here's a quick explanation of your choices.

2.3 Asserting Values

There is nothing special about the way to make assertions to a Baseline node. You assert values in the same way you would assert to a Tree node. Here are some examples.

     indoor. assert ("temperature")=67.4,("humidity")=45.3;
     assert x=1,y="abc",indoor("temperature")=67.4,indoor("humidity")=45.3;
     indoor. assert x=2,("temperature")=73;

2.4 Anomaly Response Rules

Given the last assertion above, where temperature is asserted to be 73, you may expect the following alert to be generated by the "indoor" node shown previously.

     alert _measure="'temperature'",_value=73,_average=68,_sigma=2.5,_deviation=5, \

By itself this alert does nothing. You need to provide rules to specify a response. Here's an example that simply echoes an entry out to an application log, and when it is a temperature anomaly also logs to the system log.

     # arguments: directory, weight, tolerance, cycle, period
     define indoor node baseline("cache/baseline/weather",0,0.8,60,60):static;
     # alert _measure="...",_value=n,_average=n,_sigma=n,_deviation=n,_threshold=n,_level=n;
     indoor. define logecho if(1):$ =echo `date` "${_measure} value of ${_value} is out of  \
                                          range - threshold is ${_threshold}" >> weather.log
     indoor. define logger if(_measure="'temperature'"):$ =logger -p local0.notice -t WEATHER \
                                           "${_measure}=${_value} threshold=${threshold}"

Here's another example where the response is more complicated. The alarmit rule invokes the alarm macro, which is defined on the third line. The macro makes an assertion to the alarmMessage cache. The cache logs a message to the system log, but only when the measure has had no anomaly alerts for at least 1 hour prior. The cacheit rule asserts the measure name to the anomaly cache, which can be used to check whether a measure has had an anomaly alert in the past 2 hours.

     define alarmMessage node cache(~(h):measure,message(1));
     alarmMessage. define alarmit if(message._hitState):$ =logger -p local0.notice -t WEATHER \
     define alarm macro(msgid,measure,text):% alarmMessage. assert ("%{measure}","%{msgid} %{text}");
     # keep track of anomalies within the past 2 hours
     define anomaly node cache:(~(2h):measure);
     # arguments: directory, weight, tolerance, cycle, period
     define indoor node baseline("cache/baseline/weather",0,0.8,60,60):static;
     # alert _measure="...",_value=n,_average=n,_sigma=n,_deviation=n,_threshold=n,_level=n;
     indoor. define alarmit if(1):$ $alarm("XYZ0001","${_measure}", \
                        "Weather measure ${_measure}=${_value} threshold=${_threshold}");
     indoor. define cacheit if(1) anomaly(_measure);

2.5 Periodicity

Now let's suppose you live in a barn, where the temperature and humidity are not so constant, but where the temperature values are expected to vary by time of day. You may want a profile for every 4-hour period during the day. There would be six periods per day. The period profiles are stored in files with names incrementing by 4*60*60, or 14400 seconds.

Period Profile
00:00 to 04:00 00000000.nb
04:00 to 08:00 00014400.nb
08:00 to 12:00 00028800.nb
12:00 to 16:00 00043200.nb
16:00 to 20:00 00057600.nb
20:00 to 00:00 00072000.nb

The Baseline node now has a 24-hour cycle time and a 4-hour period.

     # arguments: directory, weight, tolerance, cycle, period
     define indoor node baseline("cache/baseline/weather",0,0.8,24*60,4*60):static;

2.6 Learning

Suppose you don't have a preconceived notion of what a normal range of values is for your measures. In this case, you want to let the Baseline module create the profiles for you and adjust the average value and average deviation based on actual values experience while learning is enabled. To do this, simply remove the static option from the Baseline node definition and provide a non-zero weight to control how fast to adapt averages to new actuals. Because you no longer know the range of normal values, you express the tolerance in standard deviations (e.g., 3 below).

     # arguments: directory, weight, tolerance, cycle, period
     define indoor node baseline("cache/baseline/weather",0.2,3,24*60,4*60);

At the end of each period, the profile is updated with weight-adjusted averages for each measure's value and deviation.

2.7 Computer Network Periods

Measurements within a computer network (e.g., number of packets by protocol) typically vary based on user and software schedules that vary by time of day and day of week. If you are monitoring measures with this type of periodicity, it is appropriate to use a weekly cycle and hourly period.

     # arguments: directory, weight, tolerance, cycle, period
     define packets node baseline("cache/baseline/packetsbyprotocol",0.2,3,7*24*60,60);

2.8 Summation

When your measures are counts (e.g., number of packets by protocol), your information source may provide counts over units of time much smaller than the period duration. In this case, you want to sum up the counts from the information source over the period duration. You do this by specifying the sum option.

     # arguments: directory, weight, tolerance, cycle, period
     define packets node baseline("cache/baseline/packetsbyprotocol",0.2,3,7*24*60,60):sum;

Now when you assert values to measures within the Baseline node, the measures are incremented instead of being set to the new value.

     packets. assert ("icmp")=465,("http")=1024,("smtp")=34; # increment measures

At the end of each period, the measures are all reset to zero when the sum option is used.

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3 Commands

This section describes the syntax and semantics of commands used with the Baseline module.

3.1 Define

This section describes define commands the Baseline module supports.

3.1.1 Define Baseline

The define command is used to create a Baseline node.

     define node node baseline("directory",weight,tolerance,cycle,period)[:options];

Parameters        Description
directory Path of directory for storing baseline files called period profiles. This should normally be a relative path within a caboodle, and the "cache" directory (e.g., "cache/baseline/baseline") is recommended. You should avoid having more than one node, in one or more agents, referencing the same Baseline profile directory.
weight A real number from 0 to 1 that determines how much weight should be given to a new value relative to past values.
tolerance The number of standard deviations from the average for which a given deviation is considered to be within a normal range.
cycle Number of minutes in each cycle for which a pattern of periodic variation is expected. Examples are daily (24*60) and weekly (7*24*60).
period Number of minutes in each period within a cycle for which an average value and average deviation is maintained for each measure.

found The found option is assigned a cell expression to be used as a default value when an element is found by an evaluation but has no value. This happens when an evaluation has fewer arguments than the assertion that created the element. For example, if you assert foobar("abc","def")=5 and evaluate foobar("abc"), the "abc" element is found, but has no value, assuming it was not explicitly asserted also. By default, ? (unknown) is returned.


notfound The notfound option provides a default value when an element is not found during an evaluation. The default value for notfound is ? (unknown). A value of 0 can be used to implement the "closed world assumption," where anything not known to be true is assumed to be false.


order The order option specifies the use of argument values for comparison when searching and maintaining binary trees within a Baseline node. By default, comparisons are performed on the address of argument value objects for added efficiency. This is possible because NodeBrain maintains only one object for any given value.
partition The partition option implies the order option and changes the evaluation operation to match an argument to the element with the maximum value less than or equal to the argument value. This enables a domain of values to be partitioned into ranges of values. For example, a partitioned Baseline node might be used to monitor the number of traffic accidents by driver age ranges in 10-year increments.
static Use static to avoid updating the profile at the end of each period. This is appropriate when the profile defines the acceptable range of values for each measure, and "learning" is not desired. Although the weight can be set to 0 to avoid adjusting average value and average deviation statistics in a profile for known elements, this does not prevent the Baseline node from updating the profile with new elements. Use of the static option prevents the addition of new elements, and (if weight is not zero) enables learning for elements not included in the profile. However, learning for an element that is not in the profile develops statistics over all periods, instead of per period.
sum When sum is used, asserted values are summed up over each period. The period value is then the sum of all values asserted during the period. When the sum reaches an upper limit and the assertion and average are both positive, or a lower limit and the assertion and average are both negative, an alert can be triggered right away. However, a lower limit for positive average and upper limit for negative average must be checked at the end of a period when the full sum is known.
trace The trace option is used to generate log messages for troubleshooting.

3.2 Assertions

The Baseline module supports assertions within assert or alert commands.

     assert node(arg1[,arg2,...])[=value];  # value must be number or ? (Unknown)
The semantics are similar to the Tree module, except the value assigned to an element within a Baseline node must be a number. Strings are not allowed. When the sum option is used by a Baseline node, an assertion to a Baseline node will add to the current value, otherwise it replaces the current value. If no value is specified, 1 is assumed. If an unknown value ("?") is assigned, the element is removed.

3.3 Cell Expressions

When a Baseline node is referenced in a cell expression, it presents the value of the specified element. The example shows a reference within a cell expression of a simple define statement.

     define term cell node(arg1[,arg2,...]);  # term has value of specified element

3.4 Node Commands

This section describes commands implemented by the Baseline module for use with defined nodes.

     node[(arg1[,arg2,...])]:verb [arguments]

3.4.1 Balance

The balance command is used to rebalance the trees within a Baseline node after flatten or prune commands have made the trees unbalanced.


3.4.2 Flatten

The balance command is used to completely unbalance the trees within a Baseline node so they effectively become lists.


3.4.3 Prune

The prune command is used to remove elements from a Baseline node.


Unlike an assertion that an element is unknown, which removes the identified element and the subordinate tree, the prune command only removes the subordinate tree. Using a table model, it deletes the subordinate table, emptying the cells to the right of the identified cell and deleting all rows represented by the subordinate table.

3.4.4 Set

The set command is used to assign the average value and average deviation for an element in a Baseline node.

     node(arg1[,arg2,...]):set averageValue,averageDeviation;

Although set commands can be issued at any time, they are primarily used in period profiles. A period profile is just a file containing set commands. These files are processed ("sourced") at the start of a period and optionally updated at the end of a period.

3.4.5 Store

The store command is used to write the current measures within a Baseline node to a file in the form of assertions.

     assert (arg1[,arg2,...])=value;

The node name is not included in the assertions. This enables the assertions to be easily applied to a different node—perhaps not even a Baseline node.

3.4.6 Trace

The trace command is used to toggle the trace option for troubleshooting.

     node:trace [on|off]

3.5 Module Commands

The Baseline module currently implements no module level commands.

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4 Triggers

When measures reach thresholds, a Baseline node issues an alert to if rules defined for the node. These alerts have the following form.

     alert _measure="name",_value=n,_average=n,_deviation=n,_threshold=n,_limit=n, \

Attribute        Description
_measure Name of the measure for which the value is outside the specified limit.
_value Value of the measure outside the limit.
_average Learned average value for the period.
_deviation Absolute value of the different between actual (_value) and expected (_average).
_threshold Deviation threshold surpassed.
_limit Control limit surpassed. This is the average plus or minus the threshold.
_sigma Approximate standard deviation for the period.
_level Magnitude of anomaly. threshold=(2**level)*tolerance*sigma

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NodeBrain is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it, including this document, under the terms of either the MIT License (Expat) or the NodeBrain License.

MIT License

Copyright © 2014 Ed Trettevik <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


NodeBrain License

Copyright © 2014 Ed Trettevik <>

Permission to use and redistribute with or without fee, in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and included documentation, provided that the above copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer are retained with source files and reproduced in documention included with source and binary distributions.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

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