nb.mod(7) NodeBrain Administrator Guide
Version 0.9.03 - December 2014



  nb.mod - NodeBrain Modules (plug-ins)


  #include <nb/nb.h>

See the NodeBrain Library manual for a description of C API functions.


  NodeBrain modules are dynamic load libraries used as plug-ins to extend the capabilities of the NodeBrain Rule Engine, nb(1). Modules may by used to provide "cell functions" for use in formulas. The API is called to bind a C function to a cell function that may then be referenced within formulas in NodeBrain rules. A cell function call that binds to the C sqrt function looks like this.


Modules may also be used to implement one or more node skills. For each skill, the module must implement one or more skill methods (functions) within a defined set. Once declared, a skill may be associated with any number of nodes. A node is an object that has the defined skill, but also (often) the ability to accumulate a set of knowledge independent of other nodes with the same skill.

You will not find enough information here to learn how to write a node module. Here we only provide enough information, hopefully, to demystify NodeBrain modules for those installing or using an existing module. The NodeBrain Library manual describes the API.

See http://nodebrain.org for more information.



/usr/include/nb/nb.h    NodeBrain API header file.
/usr/lib64/nb-series/nb_module.suffix    NodeBrain modules may be located anywhere, provided you direct nb to them using the NB_MODULE_PATH environment variable or a path in a module declaration command. If no path is specified and a module is not found using the native search path, NodeBrain checks in libdir/nb/x.x as show above, where libdir and suffix are determined by the platform.
nb_module.so    [Solaris and Linux]
nb_module.sl    [HP-UX]
nb_module.dylib    [Mac OS x]
nb_module.dll    [Windows]


  Here we use the Tree node module included in the NodeBrain distribution to illustrate how a module is referenced in rules (commands). The Tree module implements a table using a tree structure internally. In this example, we define two Tree nodes---one for a critical device table and one for a problem device table.

    # declare module - unnecessary if the module is in the standard directory

    declare tree module {"."}tree;

    # declare skill - unnecessary if no special parameters are specified

    declare tree skill tree:trace;

    # table of critical devices

    define criticalDevice node tree;

    # table of problem devices

    define problemDevice node tree;

    # rules that respond when a device has a new problem

    define event node;

    event. define r1 if(type="problem" and ?problemDevice(device)) problemDevice(device):actionA

    event. define r2 if(type="problem" and ?problemDevice(device) and criticalDevice(device)):actionB

    event. define r3 if(type="restored") ?problemDevice(device);

    # sample initialization of the critical device table

    assert criticalDevice("abc");

    assert criticalDevice("def");

    # sample events from a monitoring application

    event. alert type="problem",device="abc";

    event. alert type="restored",device="abc";


  Some of the C functions nb calls (e.g. for loading dynamic modules) are influenced by environment variables in ways we assume you can figure out for your environment.

NB_MODULE_PATH    The NB_MODULE_PATH environment variable provides a platform independent way of specifying a path for locating node modules. This path overrides the native system search paths by qualifying module names so that a search is avoided. The following example illustrates a setting that directs NodeBrain to search the current directory first and then the parent directory when loading modules (plug-ins).

NB_MODULE_PATH="./:../" nb myscript.nb


  If NodeBrain is unable to load a module an error message is displayed.

    yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss NB000E Unable to load file

When a module is successfully loaded but the symbol referenced in a skill declaration is not found, a message is displayed.

    yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss NB000E Symbol symbol not found

NodeBrain does not attempt to load a module when it is declared. Instead, it waits until a module is referenced by a DEFINE command for a node to avoid loading modules unnecessarily. For this reason, either of the messages above will follow a node definition when there is an error.


  Node modules (plug-ins) were introduced in NodeBrain prototype release 0.6.0 in April, 2004.


  See nb(1). Please report bugs to <bugs@nodebrain.org> or enter a bug report at http://nodebrain.org.


  Ed Trettevik <eat@nodebrain.org>


  Online documentation is available at http://nodebrain.org. Manuals are also available in Texinfo format in the git repository. These documents are included in source distribution files.


  nodebrain(7), nb(1), nb.cfg(5), nb.syn(5), nbkit(1), nbkit-caboodle(7)

NodeBrain 0.9.03December 2014nb.mod(7)