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Audit NodeBrain Module

This manual is for the Audit NodeBrain Module (version 0.9.03, December 2014) used to monitor system and application log files.

Copyright © 2014 Ed Trettevik <>

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of either the MIT License (Expat) or NodeBrain License. See the Licenses section at the end of this document for details.
Short Table Of Contents

Table of Contents

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1 Concepts

The Audit module implements nodes that monitor lines of text written to system and application log files. This enables event monitoring in situations where an application provides no other mechanism for communicating events to a monitoring system.

1.1 Translators

NodeBrain translators are used to convert a sequence of text strings into a sequence of NodeBrain commands. Regular expressions are used to find specific patterns of text and matching strings are combined with new text to construct NodeBrain commands. An Audit node follows the end of a growing text file and passes each new line into a configured translator. See the NodeBrain Language Reference for information on coding translators.

1.2 Log File Rotation

An enabled Audit node opens the log file on a scheduled frequency and reads from the last end-of-file to the new end-of-file and closes the file. Before reading, the new size of the file is checked. If the file is smaller than the last time, the Audit node starts over and reads from the beginning of the file.

1.3 Missed Messages

New lines in a log file are only monitored by an Audit node while the node is enabled (listening). If the node is disabled or the NodeBrain agent is stopped, new lines are ignored and never processed. When the agent is restarted and/or the node is enabled, subsequent new lines will be monitored. An option to maintain a separate cursor file providing the offset of the next line to monitor, with a check for log rotation based on inode will be included in a future release.

It is also possible for a log file to rotate and fill fast enough to become larger than the size it was the last time the Audit node read to end-of-file. This is unlikely, but possible if the log file in uneven bursts and the Audit node's polling frequency is too slow relative to the rotation frequency.

If your application can not tolerate missed messages, however seldom, you should select a different option than the Audit node for getting messages into NodeBrain. It is sufficient for many situations, but not all.

Next: , Previous: Concepts, Up: Top

2 Tutorial

If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search.... I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor. —Nikola Tesla (1857–1943), New York Times, October 19, 1931

Effective review of system and application logs can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It requires at least one Edison and one Tesla working as a team. The Audit node module works like Edison when reviewing logs so you can work like Tesla.

An Audit node is similar to the Translator node covered in an earlier tutorial, but differs in the way lines of text are input for translation. An Audit node starts at the end of a log file and periodically checks for new lines to translate. When a log file rolls, the Audit node starts at the beginning of the new log file.

The content of system and application log files can vary significantly depending on the mix of applications on a system and how they are configured. A good strategy is to treat log entries as worthy of investigation by default. Duplicate suppression and other flood protection techniques are helpful when using this strategy. As new log entries are reported and investigated, you can decide if they should be suppressed or handled in a special way.

2.1 Agent Rules

The syslog.nb file below provides an agent with an Audit node to monitor a log file called syslog. It specifies a translator named syslog.nbx and a polling interval of 10 seconds. (A longer interval is recommended for real applications.) It also includes a deduplication cache.

     #!/usr/local/bin/nb -d
     # File: tutorial/Audit/syslog.nb
     set log="syslog.log",out=".";
     define syslog node cache(~(h(8))):(~(1h):route,appl,group,node,object,severity,text(1));
     syslog. define alarm if(text._hitState):$ -|mail.form \
       source=tutorial route="${route}" appl="${appl}" group="${group}" \
       node="${node}" severity="${severity}" text="${text}" >> mail.log
     syslog. define audit node audit("syslog","syslog.nbx",~(10s));

2.2 Sample Log

Here's a small sample of a log file in the format to use for this tutorial. A copy of this file is stored as tutorial/Audit/syslog.sample.

     Feb  1 19:00:04 smk001 sshd[3972]: Accepted publickey for myuser \
       from ::ffff: port 53403 ssh2
     Feb  1 19:00:06 smk001 sshd[3980]: Accepted publickey for myuser \
       from ::ffff: port 53410 ssh2
     Feb  1 19:00:16 smk001 kernel: z90crypt: probe_crypto_domain -> \
       Unable to find crypto domain: No devices found
     Feb  1 19:00:46 smk001 kernel: z90crypt: probe_crypto_domain -> \
       Unable to find crypto domain: No devices found
     Feb  1 19:01:16 smk001 kernel: z90crypt: probe_crypto_domain -> \
       Unable to find crypto domain: No devices found
     Feb  1 19:01:19 smk001 su: (to root) myuser on /dev/pts/1

2.3 Translation Rules

Here's a small translator called syslog.nbx designed for the log format above.

     # File: tutorial/Audit/syslog.nbx
     ([a-zA-Z]+ +\d+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d [^ ]+ ){
       (^-- MARK --)
       (^\/USR\/SBIN\/CRON\[\d+\]: [^ ]+ CMD)
       (^last message repeated \d+ times)
       (^kernel: ){
         (^z90crypt: probe_crypto_domain -> Unable to find crypto domain: No devices found)
         (^end_request: I\/O error)
         (^dasd_erp.*:Perform logging requested)
         (^dasd:.*:ERP successful)
         :syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal","SYS0000 kernel: $[=]");
       (^su: ){
         (^pam_unix2: session (started|finished) for user (nobody|root|wwwadm|cyrus), service su)
         (^\(to (nobody|cyrus)\) root on none)
         :syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal","SYS0000 su: $[=]");
       (^sshd\[\d+\]: ){
         (^Accepted password for myuser from ::ffff:.* port \d+ ssh2)
         (^Accepted publickey for myuser from ::ffff:.* port \d+ ssh2)
         (^error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER)
         (^(?'preport'.*port) \d+ ){
           :syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal",\
              "SYS0000 sshd[*]: $[preport]port * $[=]");
         :syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal","SYS0000 sshd[*]: $[=]");
     ():syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","critical","SYS0000 $[-]");

2.4 Start the Agent

Before starting the agent, you must touch syslog to make sure it exists.

     $ ./syslog.nb
     2009/02/01 19:56:57 NB000I Argument [1] -d
     2009/02/01 19:56:57 NB000I Argument [2] ./syslog.nb
     > #!/usr/local/bin/nb -d
     > # File: tutorial/Audit/syslog.nb
     > set log="syslog.log",out=".";
     2009/02/01 19:56:57 NB000I NodeBrain nb will log to syslog.log
     > define syslog node cache(~(h(8))):(~(1h):route,appl,group,node,object,severity,text(1));
     > syslog. define alarm if(text._hitState):$ -|mail.form \
         source=tutorial route="${route}" appl="${appl}" group="${group}" \
         node="${node}" severity="${severity}" text="${text}" >> mail.log
     > syslog. define audit node audit("syslog","syslog.nbx",~(10s));
     2009/02/01 19:56:57 NB000I Loading translator "syslog.nbx"
     ---------- --------
     # File: tutorial/Audit/syslog.nbx
     ([a-zA-Z]+ +\d+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d [^ ]+ ){
       (^-- MARK --)
       (^\/USR\/SBIN\/CRON\[\d+\]: [^ ]+ CMD)
       (^last message repeated \d+ times)
       (^kernel: ){
         (^z90crypt: probe_crypto_domain -> Unable to find crypto domain: No devices found)
         (^end_request: I\/O error)
         (^dasd_erp.*:Perform logging requested)
         (^dasd:.*:ERP successful)
         :syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal","SYS0000 kernel: $[=]");
       (^su: ){
         (^pam_unix2: session (started|finished) for user (nobody|root|wwwadm|cyrus), service su)
         (^\(to (nobody|cyrus)\) root on none)
         :syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal","SYS0000 su: $[=]");
       (^sshd\[\d+\]: ){
         (^Accepted password for myuser from ::ffff:.* port \d+ ssh2)
         (^Accepted publickey for myuser from ::ffff:.* port \d+ ssh2)
         (^error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER)
         (^(?'preport'.*port) \d+ ){
           :syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal",\
              "SYS0000 sshd[*]: $[preport]port * $[=]");
         :syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal","SYS0000 sshd[*]: $[=]");
     ():syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","critical","SYS0000 $[-]");
     ---------- --------
     2009/02/01 19:56:57 NB000I Translator "syslog.nbx" loaded successfully.
     2009/02/01 19:56:57 NB000I Source file "./syslog.nb" included. size=425
     2009/02/01 19:56:57 NB000I NodeBrain nb[6749,3352] daemonizing

2.5 Grow the Log

Use a shell script to append the sample log file syslog.sample to the monitored syslog file three times.

     # File: tutorial/Audit/
     cat syslog.sample >> syslog
     cat syslog.sample >> syslog
     cat syslog.sample >> syslog

2.6 Review the Agent Log

After executing the script above, your syslog.log file should look like this.

     2009/02/01 19:59:35 NB000I Agent log is syslog.log
     2009/02/01 19:59:35 NM000I audit audit: Enabled audit of syslog using syslog.nbx
     > syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal",\
         "SYS0000 su: (to root) myuser on /dev/pts/1");
     2009/02/01 20:00:05 NB000I Rule syslog.alarm fired
     : syslog. -|mail.form source=tutorial route="syslog" appl="syslog" group="OS" \
         node="" severity="normal" text="SYS0000 su: (to root) myuser on /dev/pts/1" >> mail.log
     [6957] Started: -|mail.form source=tutorial route="syslog" appl="syslog" group="OS" \
         node="" severity="normal" \
         text="SYS0000 su: (to root) myuser on /dev/pts/1" >> mail.log
     [6957] Exit(0)
     > syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal", \
         "SYS0000 su: (to root) myuser on /dev/pts/1");
     > syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal", \
         "SYS0000 su: (to root) myuser on /dev/pts/1");
     > syslog. assert ("syslog","syslog","OS","","","normal", \
         "SYS0000 su: (to root) myuser on /dev/pts/1");

Notice that the translator only asserted the su log entries to the syslog cache. This is because the translator was coded to ignore the other entries in the sample log file. Notice also that the agent only generated an alarm once. This is because the syslog cache node was coded to ignore duplicates until 8:00 AM unless they are separated by 1 hour.

Although you used a system log for this tutorial, you can code a translator for application logs as well. In fact, the more unique your application log, the more likely you will need to construct your own custom log monitor.

If you started the agent for this tutorial, you should kill it now.

Next: , Previous: Tutorial, Up: Top

3 Commands

This section describes commands used with an Audit node.

3.1 Define

The define command is used to create an Audit node.


auditDefineCmd ::= define s* term s* node [ s* auditDef ] •
auditDef ::= audit("filename","translatorName",schedule);
filename ::= name of file to audit
translatorName ::= name of translator file (*.nbx)
schedule ::= cellExpression

The filename and translatorName arguments may be any cell expression that resolves to a string value containing a filename. The value at definition time is used. An audit node will not response to or recognize changes to the value of expressions for these parameters.

The translatorName by convention has a ".nbx" suffix. See "Translators" under the DEFINE command in the NodeBrain Language Reference for instructions on coding translator files.

The schedule parameter may be any cell expression. New lines in the audit file are translated each time the schedule parameter transitions to TRUE. Normally a time condition is used to check the audit file for new lines on a periodic basis (e.g., every 10 seconds) as show in the following example.

     define logaudit node audit("/var/adm/messages","messages.nbx",~(10s));

3.2 Assert

Assertions are not supported by this module.

3.3 Disable

The disable commands may be used to stop the node from listening for syslog messages on the specified port.

     disable node;

3.4 Enable

The enable command may be used to start listening for syslog messages on the specified port.

     enable node;

An Audit node is automatically enabled when an agent goes into background mode (daemonizes). So the enable command is only required if you want to enable it when running in a different mode, or to re-enable the node after it has been disabled.

3.5 Node Commands

A trace mode can be toggled on or off to assist in debugging translator rules. When trace is on, lines from the file are displayed when processed.


3.6 Module Commands

The Audit module currently implements no module commands.

Next: , Previous: Commands, Up: Top

4 Triggers

All the triggers of an audit node are implemented by the specified translator. Because all commands generated by an audit node's translator are interpreted within the audit node's context, it is necessary to design the rules to work in concert with the translator. If the translator generates alert commands, you will want if rules. If the translator generates assert commands, you will want on rules. It is not actually necessary to define rules within the audit node context. As an alternative, the translator may use a context prefix to direct commands to a different context. One common possibility is to define multiple audit nodes as children of a common node and have each audit node generate commands to the parent node. It is also common to use translators that generate commands to a variety of other nodes.

Next: , Previous: Triggers, Up: Top


NodeBrain is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it, including this document, under the terms of either the MIT License (Expat) or the NodeBrain License.

MIT License

Copyright © 2014 Ed Trettevik <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


NodeBrain License

Copyright © 2014 Ed Trettevik <>

Permission to use and redistribute with or without fee, in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and included documentation, provided that the above copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer are retained with source files and reproduced in documention included with source and binary distributions.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

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